Thursday, November 26, 2009

Unofficial TeenNick Spirit Week

Long-time users IbehJosheh and auburntygr came up with the brilliant idea for an Unofficial Spirit Week on! I'm so in, are you?

The Unofficial TeenNick Spirit Week Schedule!
Nov 30- The-N T-shirt day:Every user who is participating where your The-N shirts.
Dec 1- (Why not) Secret Avi Day, wear your fav secret avi
Dec 2- Dress as a TeenNick Worker day. Dress up as your fav TeenNick worker.(Ex:Me dressing up as @M-A)
Dec 3- Unfortunate Avi Day: Dress your avi crazy, wacky, and wierd.
Dec 4- DEGRASSi day. Go Degrassi crazy with your avi
Dec 5- Mod Appreciation Day. If you appreciate your mod, let em know. Send givies, (n)Mail them, GB them, however you wanna express gratitude
Dec 6-BlackOut Day: Make your avi all dark.
Spirit Week is conveniently taking place after the Black Friday Sale at the Avi Mall, so you can easily take advantage of the low prices and pick up a few items for spirit week. Here's a bit of a shopping list:
Shopping List for Spirit Week
The-N T-Shirt Day:
(Last checked the shirt cost 0 creds, but there is a possibility that they've changed the price - buy with caution.)
Old School The-N Tee: 0 creds
The-N Turtleneck: 50 creds

TeenNick Worker Day:
@Mary: Brown/black hair  
@M-A: Crazy colored hair - blue or purple.
@Lisa: Pink hair, dog, boots.
@Seth: Glasses, Earth shirt (Since he's on a trip around the world)
@Alison: Short hair, cute accessories
@Emily: Warm accessories: Scarves. hats, coffee etc.

Unfortunate Avatar Day:
Anything that clashes. Items meant for the oppisite sex can be popular when making an avatar unfortunate. Items that glitch can also be popular. Saved Halloween skins can also come in handy.

Degrassi Day: Anything Degrassi. Or keep an eye out for items that aren't in the Degrassi section but could help with a character outfit. Or skip this and use a Secret Avi.

BlackOut Day: Dark items
Cheap ones include:
Eyepatch: 0 Creds
Goth Makeup: 0 creds
Black Mop (Hair): 10 creds
Black w/Straight bangs (Hair): 25 creds
Black Armband: 25 creds
Running Mascara: 25 creds
Black Bedhead (Hair): 25 creds
Black Mohawk (Hair): 25 creds
Black Flip Bop (Hair): 25 creds
Black Curly (Hair): 25 creds
Black Braids (Hair): 25 creds

Items that cover a lot and are also dark colors:
Ninja: 300 creds
Mourning Hat: 100 creds
Scary Outfit: 225 creds
Black Knitted Shawl: 185 creds
Black Dress - Long: 50 creds
Classic Black Tux: 250 creds

Also, to keep the switching between days easy - try saving a few outfits for certain Spirit Days to make changing your avi easier.


  1. Oh I like the 'Shopping List' for the events. If its okay with you, Could I post the list on the thread? I'll give credit to you, as needed.
